Children’s Dentistry

Stephanie is a qualified therapist and deals with underage patients at the practice. We run a successful preventative programmed for children and it is now rare to need to carry out any restorative work in practice. We now expect our younger patients to go through life without experiencing decay or the need for fillings.

We expect children at the practice to go through life without experiencing decay.
The focus of our treatment is preventative and to make sure patients are referred if necessary at the appropriate time for Orthodontic Treatment.
We encourage good brushing from an early stage, use simple hacks like “no rinse brushing” as this massively increases the strength of children’s teeth and prescribe higher strength fluoride toothpastes when appropriate.
If we can get a patient to 16 without decay the are unlikely to ever suffer decay as the teeth have matured and good habits established. PREVENTION IS KING.
A diet that is healthy for the mouth is good for health in general.
Increasingly we are seeing damage caused by the effect of too many acids in the diet, either from fizzy drinks or smoothies and fruit rich diet, this needs to be diagnosed quickly and preventative changes implemented as it can cause a lot of tooth surface loss.
We also take a scan of the developing/developed dentition. This is an accurate record of the precise shape of each tooth. If any trauma should happen, sporting etc, we can reproduce the
shape of the original tooth exactly.
With good preventative education our younger patients can go through life not needing any fillings.
I take great pride and satisfaction when I see a patient who has grown up at the practice with no fillings and always tell them they will never truly appreciate the value of “no fillings”.