We offer a full range of periodontal treatment, Dr Paul Burgess is a registered periodontal specialist and offers a full range of treatment including crown lengthening and grafting.
Mr Hurson has an interest in the treatment of periodontal disease and uses both his Waterlase and Diode lasers to optimise the treatment.
Treatment of Gum Disease truly is a team effort, the most important factor being home care.
The success of any treatment depends on how good the patients home care is and we tell patients we need to get them to “World Class Cleaning Levels” and so all patients are given extensive training to ensure they are cleaning all areas of their mouth effectively.
Gum Disease is caused by an extreme inflammatory response of the patients immune system to contaminants.
Home care is vital in reducing that inflammatory response and the patient must take responsibility for providing great cleaning.
The dentist is responsible for dealing with the other factors involved. A thorough debridement (cleaning of the root surfaces) of all teeth, replacing any restorations that are defective and checking that no tooth is suffering increased forces or loading in the mouth that can lead to bone loss.

This is to remove all calculus from the root surface, this is done with
hand instruments or ultrasonic scalers. Mr Hurson uses the Waterlase for this the special tip creates a 360 o of laser light that breaks up the calculus and sterilises both the surface of the root
and the pocket aiding healing and bony infill. The root surface is very intricate it is much easier to get the laser light to fall onto a surface than the tip of a scaler. The laser is much more gentle and
leaves the root surface unscarred.
Restorations may cause a problem, if there is decay under the tooth, that is a source of bacteria that will infect the pocket causing inflammation. More often the problem is a deficiency or overhang that creates an area that cannot be cleaned effectively and so is an area that calculus will form. A restoration should be designed and placed with smooth finishes and a shape that makes it easy to clean.
If a tooth or implant is under increased force in the mouth that will lead to breakdown of the bone and tissues. At the clinic we have the T-Scan Digital Occlusal Analysis System, this is a sensor we insert between the teeth and ask the patient to make chewing movements. This produces a series of graphs, showing the exact force on each tooth on a timeline as the bite develops. This allows us to identify any tooth that is under increased pressure and we can even Identify which part of the tooth is affected.
We offer a full range of periodontal treatment, Dr Paul Burgess is a registered periodontal specialist and offers a full range of treatment including crown lengthening and grafting.
Mr Hurson has an interest in the treatment of periodontal disease and uses both his Waterlase and Diode lasers to optimise the treatment.
Treatment of Gum Disease truly is a team effort, the most important factor being home care.
The success of any treatment depends on how good the patients home care is and we tell patients we need to get them to “World Class Cleaning Levels” and so all patients are given extensive training to ensure they are cleaning all areas of their mouth effectively.
Gum Disease is caused by an extreme inflammatory response of the patients immune system to contaminants.
Home care is vital in reducing that inflammatory response and the patient must take responsibility for providing great cleaning.
The dentist is responsible for dealing with the other factors involved. A thorough debridement (cleaning of the root surfaces) of all teeth, replacing any restorations that are defective and checking that no tooth is suffering increased forces or loading in the mouth that can lead to bone loss.